IL2 and IL3 Live Stream Rube Goldberg Machine Exhibition
Khan Lab School
April 27, 2020
5 mins read
Rube Goldberg Machines Activate Across the Bay Area
IL2 and IL3 students recentlycompleted a Rube Goldberg Machine as part of project-based learning. ARube Goldberg Machineis an unnecessarily complex series of events that completes a simple task. Students were challenged to create a Rube Goldbergmachine that could connect to a classmate's machine,makinga super long virtual chain that extends across KLS student homes in the Bay Area. The end of eachRubeGoldbergmachine hits a key on the student's laptop to call the next person in line to activate the next sequence.The project culminated in a digital Exhibition via live streams broadcasted by students and families, keeping the community connected during remote learning.Watch the Exhibition video aboveto see how they did!