Family Association

Khan Lab School Family Association

Every Khan Lab School parent is a member of the Family Association, an organization that works closely with administration and faculty. 

The KLS Family Association builds and sustains a strong school community by providing communication and support for families, students, team members, and alumni. All KLS families are encouraged to attend KLS FA meetings and events throughout the year.  These meetings provide a forum to discuss matters relevant to the Family Association: volunteer activities, fundraising, and family social events.

(A few) of the things our KLS FA volunteers support!

Annual Fund
Grade-Levels Parents
Robotics, IGem, and Speach and Debate Volunteers
Senior Dinner
Gala Fundraiser
Teacher Appreciation

Parent Resources

For our current families, please access the Parent Portal for any resources.
If you have trouble accessing, please email


Downloadable 2024-25 School Calendar 

Grade K-6: Lower School Calendar
Palo Alto Campus

Grade 7-8: Middle School Calendar
Mountain View Campus

Grade 9-12: Upper School Calendar
Mountain View Campus 

KLS Community Calendars for existing families are located in ParentSquare, our family portal.  
