Humanities 5 Students Lead Virtual Musée US Exhibition

Khan Lab School
October 22, 2020 / 5 mins read

As a part of project-based learningthis Term, our Humanities 5 students amazed our KLS community audience as they facilitated their Exhibition on Thursday, October 15. Hosted virtually over Zoom, our students led attendees through their student-created Musée US.

The Exhibition included student Art, ELA, and Social Studiesprojects that demonstrated and synthesized student understanding of how perception effects identity. Students have been learning about how perception impacts identity by exploring the meaning of culture, their own identities, the cause and effect of ethnocentrism, US cartography and geography, mapmaking, Native American culture, and the bookThunder Rolling in the Mountains.

Students Mila and Kush kicked off the evening as the Welcome Host and Entrance Host for the Zoom session. Attendees were moved into virtual Lounge Rooms facilitated by our students, including Lounge Hosts Anandita and Seerat, and Lead Docents Anja, Anika, Chloe, Dougie, Kabeer, and Javyeer.

After, attendees enjoyed a ribbon cutting ceremony officiated by Uday, Charlie, and Zoya, complete with a community toast!

This was no ordinary toast. About a month ago, Humanities 5 students received small mysteryboxes that they were not allowed to open until the Exhibition. When the time came to toast, students found they had everything they needed for the occasion right in their box—a bottle of sparkling cider, a champagne flute, a snack, and a top hat!

Attendees then moved to breakout rooms forthevirtual museum tour portion of the evening, viewing some of our student projects in the Musée US via virtual reality headsets or on their devices. Additional student work was available via a link tour. The projects in Musée US and the link tour included:

  • Visual Arts: Map of My Heart project, wherein students used shape and color to visually communicate self-perception; Cartographic mapsdemonstrating students' cartographic interpretation of the geographic and man-made elements inThunder Rolling in the Mountains.
  • English Language Arts: Pieces exploring how perception affects identity, including essays, poems, portrait paragraphs, and analyses ofThunder Rolling in the Mountains.
  • Social Studies: Some student work revolved around an introduction to anthropology, including cultural diagrams, live student discussions about ethnocentrism and how perception affects identity, imagined anthropological articles, ethnocentrism comic strips. To demonstrate learning about geography, students created a magical explorer style survival 101 guide and curated maps. Projects exploring Native American culture included interactive winter counts for attendees to decode, a jamboard to learn more about Native American cultural regions, and tableau vivant jamboards.

With so much to see and learn from the Exhibition,students then closed the night with aQ&A reflection managed by Nathan, Belal, Imogen, Itamar, and Vidit.

Our Directors of Closing for the evening, Samaira and Levin, brought the Exhibition to a close.

Congratulations ona successful Exhibition, Humanities 5! Check out the Musée US below.

Enter Musée US